We want to know what you think

Svensk text

Are you not satisfied with your care? Is there anything we can do better? We would like you to tell us what you think.

Textens svenska titel: Vi vill veta vad du tycker

There are three ways you can tell us what you think:

  • talk to someone at the habilitation clinics (habiliteringscenter)
  • write a letter
  • talk to the Patient Counsellor (patientvägledare).

The habilitation clinics will listen to what you think. They will let you know when they've received your call or letter. You will get an answer as soon as possible. The answer should not take longer than four weeks.

If you have problems with writing yourself, you can get help from a relative, LSS administrator or telephone interpreter.

Talk to someone at your habilitation clinic (habiliteringscenter)

Talk to the staff you usually meet at the habilitation clinic. They can receive your comments. If you do not want to talk to the staff, you can ask to talk to the manager at the habilitation clinic.

Write a letter

You can also write a letter about what has happened and leave the letter at the habilitation clinic. Or mail it to:

Habilitering & Hälsa
Box 45436
104 31 Stockholm

You do not have to state your name. But if you want an answer, we need to know your name and address or telephone number.

Talk to the Patient Counselor (patienvägledare)

If you do not want to contact your out-patient clinic, you can contact the Patient Counselor. The Patient Counselor is there for you and will receive your feedback. You can tell us what you have been through and get help to contact the healthcare provider.

You do not have to state your name. But if you want an answer, you need to leave your name and address or telephone number.

Send a letter to the Patient Counselor:

Stockholms läns sjukvårdsområde
Box 45436

You can also call 08-123 400 40.