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Autism with intellectual disability – course
This is a course for you who speaks English and has a child with autism and an intellectual disability aged 5-17 years. During the course you will receive basic knowledge of the diagnoses and strategies to make your everyday life work better.
The course consists of lectures mixed with discussions on different topics and gives the opportunity for parents to exchange experiences. Some of the topics on the course are:
- This is autism
- This is intellectual disability
- This is how you can help your child in everyday life
This course will have an interpreter who translates from Swedish to English.
You can come as one or two parents. Every person makes their own registration.
Date and time
Wednesday 5th of March, 9.00-12.00
Wednesday 12th of March, 9.00-12.00
Wednesday 19th of March, 9.00-12.00
Wednesday 26th of March, 9.00-12.00
Last day to registrate
1st of March
Habiliteringscenter Sollentuna barn
Tusbystråket 1 B, 8th floor.
Room: Universum
Call 08-123 359 00
We will inform you about a spot on the course after the last registrationdate. You can make your registration on the web with Bank-ID. Otherwise you can call us.
When you go click on “Gå till anmälan” you will get directed to our registrationsystem Ping pong.